Colt Galvan


Colt Galvan - The Toughest Rough Stock Rider From Tennessee

Pro bull rider Colt Galvan

Rowdy's no stranger to riding bulls, he grew up in rodeo and has been riding bulls since age 14. Raised on a ranch in South Carolina, Rowdy developed a passion for the outdoors and was introduced to rodeo by his mother, who still competes as a barrel racer. "It's in my blood", Rowdy explains, as he talks about his commitment to the sport. "It's not easy, mentally and physically, it could be the hardest sport to consistently compete in". In 2013, Rowdy earned the title of World Champion, when he won the International Pro Rodeo Association's World Championship. A short three months later, a bull stomped on Rowdy's leg while competing and snapped his femur into three pieces. "Injuries are 90% mental and 10% physical. I would never let a little pain stand in the way of living my dream". Rowdy's daughter is next in line to become a World Champion, and he's teaching her everything he knows.


What do you enjoy most about the Great Outdoors?

  • "I cherish the feeling you get when you make a good ride. 5 seconds after you jump off, and you're head back to back pins, that feeling is great. That's when pure adrenaline is rolling. You almost feel super human, nearly unstoppable. I love the challenge of trying to ride the bull, some people think it’s crazy, but it's my life's passion."

What animal would you reincarnate to?

  • "A bucking bull because they get treated really well; they live a better life than we do. They lay around all day, get fed and get fat, once or twice a weekend they have to work. I would be a mean, hard to ride, bucking bull that no one would want to get on".

PBR Rowdy Rice

When you are not hard at work, where would we find you?

  • "I love to be on the lake and fishing. Anything outdoors, you can catch me doing. I like going canoeing & kayaking, riding jet skis, anything on the water."

If you could do one thing that would positively impact the entire world, what would you do?

  • "I would bring everyone together to promote world peace. No racism, no killing, and all of the heinous crimes would end. Everyone would come together and see that we are all on the same team".

Describe your best friend -

  • "My friends are fun and outgoing. They're down to do whatever and like to be outside and are always looking for the next adventure. I couldn’t hang out with someone very long who wanted to be inside and play video games. All my friends love the outdoors, and sometimes it’s a bad thing that gets us into trouble".

What will be written on your tombstone?

  • "I hope positive things, hahahah. Something like ‘he was somebody people looked up to’. Or maybe ‘the world’s sexiest man’, hahah I am just kidding. I’d like it to say ‘he made an impact in positive ways and was a good honest person’.

What do you look for in a dog?

  • "I pick a dog by his looks, colors, and whether I think he'll listen when he's old".

What word best describes you and Southern Trapper?

  • "Tough"

Bull riding